The Labyrinth is an ancient spiritual tool used for connection.  This connection comes in many forms.  There is the connection you feel to the land the Labyrinth sits upon, to the Labyrinth energy itself as you walk its winding paths, and the connection you begin to feel to your inner self as the repetitive sound of your footsteps begin to mimic the slow beating of a drum.  It is a multi-faceted journey whose ultimate goal is unity with all that is through the passageway of your heart.

 As you enter the Labyrinth you become the living bridge between the external world and the sacred space of the Labyrinth. The Labyrinth is a place outside of time as it enables you to go inside of yourself where time does not exist as only the present moment does; no past, no future.  When you reach the centre, you become a bridge between your physical self and Source and revelations become available to you.  You learn to become more sensitive to the messages of the Labyrinth the more times you walk it. As you exit the Labyrinth, and return to the external world, the bridge does not vanish, but it is less apparent in the chaotic energies that everyday life can present us with.  

All who enter are welcome and though the experience is different for all, connection is the common thread.  The choice to enter is yours.